

TTMAT Whistleblowing Policy

Algebra Policy
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Assessment policy
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Attendance Policy
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Bad Weather Procedure
In the event of bad weather and the school having to be closed, parents are asked to check our website,the Telford and Wrekin Website or listen to Radio Shropshire (96FM) Signal 107 (107.4FM) or Free Radio Shropshire (103.1FM) who will list all school closures. The radio stations will list all schools that are closed. If we are not listed we will be open. Please do not contact the school directly to ask if we are open.
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Behaviour Policy 2024
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Bereavement and Critical Incident Policy
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Calculations Policy
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Calculations Reception
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Calculations Year 1
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Calculations Year 2
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Calculations Year 3
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Calculations Year 4
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Calculations Year 5
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Calculations Year 6
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CCTV Policy GDPR Compliant
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Charging and Remissions
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Complaints Policy
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Computing Policy
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DfE Free School Meals Voucher Service Privacy Notice
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Emotional Health and Wellbeing Policy for children and young people
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Equality Policy
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First Aid Policy
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Food Policy
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Health and Safety Policy
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Holidays In Term Time
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Homework Arrangements
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In-Year Appeal Form 2023-24
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In-Year Appeal Form 2024-25
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Medical Conditions
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Mental Arithmetic Policy
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Mobile Phone Policy
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Parents Licence Policy
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Physical Education Policy
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Primary Languages French
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Progression in Reasoning Policy
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RE Policy
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Redhill Primary School Accessibility Plan
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Redhill staff mental health and wellbeing policy
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Relationships & Sex Education Policy
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Responding to Children's work
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RSE Policy
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RSHE Policy
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Safeguarding Across The Curriculum
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Science Policy
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Suspension Policy
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Teaching and Learning Policy
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TWSP Child Protection Policy
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Unreasonable Complaints Policy
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Paper copies of the information on the website, can be obtained from the school office.