
Year 1 - Miss Lewis/Mrs Farmer

Our Classroom

Work I Am Proud Of!


In History we researched who Queen Elizabeth I was and looked at the part she played in the Gunpowder plot. We found out that she was a protestant and she didn't want Catholics to worship. When King James took over, he felt the same. The children spent time researching sources of evidence to gain information for their presentations and then we recorded them in front of the green screen.

Using Puppet pals on the iPad, we explored the thoughts of the people that were involved in the plot. We explored the thoughts of Catesby, who was the leader, Guy Fawkes and Tresham, who was the person who sent a warning letter.

In Science, Mr Maddy set us a challenge linked to the new Rabbit hutch. We had to explore material was most suitable according to his criteria.