
Pupil Premium

The Government allocates funding to schools to support raising attainment for specific groups of children. These groups include children eligible for Free School Meals now or at any point in the previous 6 years, children who have a parent in the armed forces or at any point in the last 4 years and children who are in care or were previously looked after.

Miss Williams, senior leader, and Ian Rawlings, our named Governor, monitors the provision for the pupil premium children. Our curriculum promotes good outcomes for all pupils across the Academy, but also offers a range of opportunities to help any child who needs additional support. Termly meetings are held with staff to discuss children's progress and carefully planned interventions are employed for those children who are not making expected progress. Through monitoring, the impact of these interventions are evaluated on a termly basis.

The plans below show how we are spending the funding to ensure that all our pupils make progress and gaps in attainment close.

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024 - 25
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Service Letter
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