
Homework Procedures

New Homework Arrangements

Homework will be distributed every Tuesday and needs to be returned on the following Monday.

An overview of the type and quantity of homework which will be set for each year group can be found in the link below to our homework grid. The school has carefully considered the appropriate balance of homework for the different age groups and to ensure that the setting and marking of homework does not hinder the planning and organisation of quality learning experiences for the children.

The homework book will include the following:

* appropriate timings for each piece of work set
* how teachers will acknowledge and mark pupils work
* useful tips and advice for parents to support their pupils learning at home


Children in all year groups will bring home a levelled reading book, or a quality text which has been approved by the teacher, with sufficient challenge and depth to promote stamina and fluency. It is imperative that your child brings the book to school every day. In F.S. and K.S.1 the purpose/objective of the text will be recorded in their reading diary to enable parents to have a clear understanding of how to support their child with reading at home.

In KS2 we have introduced whole class reading, as evidence has shown that this approach to the teaching of Reading is beneficial to the children to develop children's comprehension skills, fluency and stamina. The choice of text is linked to the Literacy lessons and all children will receive a copy of the whole class reading book to use in lessons. This whole class text will remain in school. KS2 children will continue to bring home an independent reading book matched to their reading ability. We would like the reading record to still be used regularly by both the children and parents with signed comments. Please refer to the top tips in the middle of the reading record for ideas on how to support your child/ren at home. The children will receive house points or stickers for these each week. Please ensure the reading books do not get lost as this greatly reduces our reading resources. Parents will be asked to pay for lost books.

Marking and feedback

Feedback on completed homework will be prompt and clear. Sometimes teachers will write brief comments on pieces of work, sometimes work will be initialled/stamped and sometimes feedback will be given verbally. A record will be made of children who have successfully completed homework on a regular basis. The staff and governors are committed to the importance of sharing the learning that takes place at school with parents. As a result of this commitment, we will follow up children who do not complete homework or forget their reading books or homework books. If this becomes a regular occurrence, they may be asked to complete their homework at another time e.g. during EMA, assembly time or at break time. The child's parents will be contacted so that we can check why this is happening and to discuss how best to proceed with homework. It is important that we recognise those children who consistently complete the homework that they are set, in order to show that we value their work and effort. The school's current systems of rewards: stamps, stickers and house points will be used to recognise pupil's efforts.

Holiday homework is optional at the discretion of individual families.

Holiday homework ideas may be set by the teacher. For those who wish to maintain a regular routine we recommend trips to library for reading, the keeping of a holiday diary or scrap book and working on current maths targets or tables.

Click here to view and download the new homework grid.