
Parent & Pupil Voice

Whenever parents are invited into school they are encouraged to feedback in a parent’s comment book, through questionnaires and Parent View. Parent Voice meetings are held for consultation purposes. Parents are regularly informed of events within school through the school’s newsletter ‘Mail on Friday’ and the school website. Newsletters are posted on the school website and notice boards for all to access and the school makes use of Twitter to share recent news.

Reception - Reception Pupils’ Voice

We at Redhill value the opinion of our pupils and allow regular opportunities for the children to discuss their learning within a subject as part of pupil participation; Pupils also review the activities they have accessed through ‘Plan, Do, Review’. Circle Time happens within all of our classrooms and is an opportunity for children to share their ideas with the rest of their class. This activity may be incorporated into any subject or when the class need to reflect on a particular matter.

Pupils in Reception are able to elect two representatives onto the School Council. After discussion in class, the pupils are then asked to share ideas that can be implemented within school and the local community; they then attend meetings with the elected members from other classes where they put forward his/her classes voice. Ideas that are put forward are discussed and voted on and those that are passed are implemented. These meetings are chaired by Mrs Ward our Deputy Head teacher. At Redhill Primary School a cross section of pupils meet with Mrs Ward our Deputy Head teacher with feedback to Mrs Simmill, our head cook.

Reception Parents’ Voice

Initially parents are welcomed into school to attend induction meetings lead by our Reception team where they can ask questions about their child(s) school life. Reception teachers are on the class doors in the morning and after school each day where parents have the opportunity to ask questions and share information. On Thursday mornings parents are invited into class to share their most recent work. They are given the opportunity to comment on their child’s work and celebrate successes with them. Whenever parents are invited into school they are encouraged to feedback in a parent’s comment book, through questionnaires and Parent View. Parent Voice meetings are held for consultation purposes. Parents are regularly informed of events within school through the school’s newsletter ‘Mail on Friday’ and the school website. Newsletters are posted on the school website and notice boards for all to access and the school makes use of Twitter to share recent news.

KS1 - Key Stage One Pupils’ Voice

At Redhill we value the opinion of our pupils and allow regular opportunities for the children to discuss their learning within a subject as part of pupil participation; this includes pupils creating and sharing mind maps both at the beginning and end of a theme. Circle Time happens within all of our classrooms and is an opportunity for children to share with the rest of their class. This activity may be incorporated into any subject or when the class need to reflect on particular matter.

Pupils in KS1 are able to elect two representatives onto the School Council. After discussion in class, the pupils are then asked to share ideas that can be implemented within school and the local community, they then attend weekly meetings with the elected members from other classes and the Y6 Executive Committee where they put forward his/her classes voice. Ideas that are put forward are discussed and voted on and those that are passed are implemented. These meetings are chaired by Mrs Ward our Deputy Head teacher.  At Redhill Primary School a cross section of pupils regularly meet with Mrs Ward our Deputy Head teacher to discuss school meals who then feeds back to Mrs Simmill, our head cook.

Key Stage One Parents’ Voice

Key Stage One teachers are on the class doors in the morning and after school each day, so parents can communicate easily with the teachers. An appointment system is in place for parent’s wishing to discuss matters in more detail. On a Thursday morning we hold a ‘Drop-in’ session when parents are invited into class to share their child’s most recent work with them. They are given the opportunity to comment on their child’s work and celebrate successes with them. Whenever parents are invited into school they are encouraged to feedback in a parent’s comment book, through questionnaires and Parent View. Parent Voice meetings are held for consultation purposes. Parents are regularly informed of events within school through the school’s newsletter ‘Mail on Friday’ and the school website. Newsletters are posted on the school website and notice boards for all to access and the school makes use of Twitter to share recent news.

Key Stage Two Pupils’ Voice

 Pupils in KS2 are able to elect two representatives onto the School Council. After discussion in class, the pupils are then asked to share ideas that can be implemented within school and the local community; they then attend weekly meetings with the elected members from other classes. Idea’s that are put forward are discussed and voted on and those that are passed are implemented. These meetings are chaired by Mrs Ward our Deputy Head teacher. In Y6 the Executive Committee is elected by their Y6 peers following a letter of application and a presentation where they put forward his/her reasons for being elected and how they can contribute to the school. Across KS2 pupils have the opportunity to join several other committees including Fairtrade, Esafety and Junior Road Safety Officers. We also have pupils who are elected as House Captains who lead house events. 

At Redhill we value the opinion of our pupils and allow regular opportunities for the children to discuss their learning within a subject as part of pupil participation; this includes pupils creating and sharing mind maps both at the beginning and end of a theme. Circle Time happens within all of our classrooms and is an opportunity for children to share their ideas with their peers. This activity may be incorporated into any subject or when the class need to reflect on particular matter.

At Redhill Primary School a cross section of pupils regularly meet with Mrs Ward our Deputy Head teacher to discuss school meals who then feeds back to Mrs Simmill, our head cook.

Key Stage Two Parents’ Voice

There is always a member of school staff available at the playground door before school and a number of Key stage two teachers available at classroom doors after school to listen to parents’ views. An appointment system is in place for parent’s wishing to discuss matters in more detail. On a Thursday morning we hold a ‘Drop-in’ session when parents are invited into class to share their child’s most recent work with them. They are given the opportunity to comment on their child’s work and celebrate successes with them. Whenever parents are invited into school they are encouraged to feedback in a parent’s comment book, through questionnaires and Parent View. Parent Voice meetings are held for consultation purposes. Parents are regularly informed of events within school through the school’s newsletter ‘Mail on Friday’ and the school website. Newsletters are posted on the school website and notice boards for all to access and the school makes use of Twitter to share recent