
Progress and Monitoring

Pupil progress meetings are scheduled into the staff meeting timetable allowing teachers to monitor progress and identify children requiring additional support. All teaching staff and senior leaders, including the Inclusion Manager, monitor and review the progress of all children on an on-going basis. Staff use observations, evidence in books and tracking grids to monitor progress and achievement. As part of this, the needs of individual children within each class are monitored.

Where it is deemed necessary, intervention and provision maps are created for children who have been identified as, those who would benefit from a short term ‘boost’, or those who how may have a more specific learning needs. These working documents include targets, provision maps and raising attainment plans. These documents support the meeting of these targets and are evaluated to demonstrate progress over time. Children who, despite this level of support, are still causing concern are monitored more regularly and referred to relevant agencies where appropriate. At the end of the academic year class teachers pass on relevant information, including evaluated intervention and provision maps to the new class teacher during scheduled transition meetings.