

Primary School

  • Reception pupils with additional needs who join our school either at the beginning of the year or during the academic year will be supported, as appropriate, so that a successful transition is achieved. Reception staff and where appropriate Mrs Rock our Inclusion Manager with liaise closely with your child’s preschool setting, this may include additional visits. All new reception children are given a ‘Big Friend’ this is an older child in school who is assigned to them to support them during those periods of physical transition in the first few week such as, Play-time, lunch-time etc.
  • In our bid to provide the smoothest possible transition for all children when starting school we may ask you if you could accompany your child during the transition visits to share additional incidental information and support to them during that time. It may be decided that your child would benefit from a staggered/graduated entry to school.
  • Both of these additional provisions will be considered by staff in light of your child’s individual needs, if either are thought to be appropriate we will contact you to discuss the possibilities or you may wish to contact us.
  • The school works together with the Local Authority where a child is starting our school with a statement of Special Educational Needs to ensure that they are appropriately supported in conjunction with parents and any other relevant agencies.

Transfer to Secondary School

  • The Inclusion manager arranges SEN transfer meetings with key secondary school staff such as Y7 Transition Co-ordinator, Inclusion Manager, etc. prior to transfer. 
  • A child’s SEN records are transferred to the secondary school. 
  • Staff from Secondary schools visit primary school and meet children in their Year 6 class and/or communicate with to Yr 6 staff and the Inclusion manager. 
  • Y6 Children visit secondary school for transition days. 
  • Where it is appropriate extended transition sessions can be arranged to ensure a successful transition.