
Here at Redhill, we work hard to ensure that children have access to a wide curriculum where they learn the necessary skills in order to become happy, healthy, capable and upstanding citizens within society. In order to make this more of a priority, and after consultation with children and staff, in September 2019, we launched our core values system: A Valued Me.

Each half term, we will have a different focus for our programme where children will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of each of the values.

Our key values within our ‘A Valued Me’ programme:

Autumn 1 - Respect
Autumn 2 - Friendship
Spring 1 - Responsibility
Spring 2 - Empathy
Summer 1 - Honesty
Summer 2 - Independence

The implementation of these values will also play a vital role within our school in ensuring that children's well-being and mental health is at the forefront of all that we do. For example, our focus on respect in the autumn term, will support children knowing their own self-worth and the contribution that they make in our school, and by focussing on independence in the summer term, we will be supporting children in taking their next steps into a new year group or school.

At school, there will be assemblies which directly link to each of our chosen skills. The staff will also exploit links within their teaching, where possible, to embed the value throughout the term and children will be rewarded through our positive behaviour systems if they demonstrate the value during their time at school.

We would also like you to get involved at home. Every half term, we will send out a letter which will detail ideas for how learning about our A Valued Me system can be completed at home.

Please let your child's teacher know if we can celebrate any work from home, in school. Feedback on our new 'A Valued Me' system and how you incorporate this at home is really valuable to us and we really do appreciate all your support