
Physical Education at Redhill


At Redhill Primary Academy, Physical Education is a core priority; our intention is that children develop an understanding of healthy participation and inspire a lifelong love of physical activity which enables them to lead a healthy lifestyle. To achieve this, we offer opportunities for the children to develop their motor competence by building upon the fundamental movement skills and apply these in a wide range of different sporting contexts, whether this be through our physical education curriculum time, our physical activity or our school sport opportunities. We also recognise the importance of developing the children’s knowledge of different rules, strategies and tactical awareness drawing similarities and contrasts between different sporting applications. Through our Physical Education, we intend for our children to have the opportunity to build character and we promote the hidden values of sport such as fairness and collaboration alongside the fundamental British Values and our school values of respect, friendship, responsibility, honesty, empathy and independence. Inclusivity for all is at the heart our curriculum, ensuring all our children can succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities.


The teaching and implementation of the Physical Education curriculum is based on the National Curriculum, ensuring a well-structured approach to the subject which covers a range of sporting applications including dance, gymnastics, outdoor adventurous activity, invasion games, net and wall activities, athletics, and swimming which are taught by our full-time sports coach or the class teacher.

We provide a curriculum which allows children to learn the disciplinary and substantive knowledge to be physically active as they progress through our curriculum. We ensure there is clear progression of both declarative (know what) and procedural (know when) knowledge across all sporting areas. Our curriculum incorporates opportunities for children to experience a range of contexts for them to apply their transferable knowledge and skills in. The substantiative knowledge content we have selected has been carefully planned to ensure that children have ample opportunity to revisit existing knowledge and build new knowledge alongside this. In addition to this, the key concept of the fundamental movement skills are regularly revisited and embedded within our blocks by making clear curriculum links across year groups and key stages.

The curriculum is also designed to not only deliver engaging curriculum content which is relevant to our children, but to ensure systematic progression through our chosen sporting activities and themes. Links are made between the key vocabulary and concepts from EYFS and through the primary phase ensuring that the children revisit key knowledge and content.

Throughout each application, teachers carefully assess the children’s knowledge and application of knowledge in various contexts, adapting lessons where necessary so that the key knowledge and skills can not only be applied in that application but also applied in different sporting contexts. Increasingly, we make use of seesaw to assess progress throughout a unit where core tasks are documented at the start and end of blocks to measure progress. These videos are viewed by both teachers and pupils when they revisit this sporting application further in their learning journey at Redhill to ensure a clear progression across not only units of work but across the whole school. At the end of KS1, children are assessed against the fundamental movement skills to identify children who require further support to be competent and confident with these movements. Throughout our PE sessions we create a culture where children feel safe and supported to try a range of sporting applications, working together with their peers to explore and develop their motor competence.

To view our subject overview for PE, please click here.


What do we expect by the end of Key Stage 2?

  • Children will enjoy physical activity; they will have a passion for performing sports and want to continue to learn more as they enter secondary school
  • Children will participate in sports clubs both at school or in the local community
  • Children will have the confidence to try new sporting applications and use their transferable skills to help them succeed.
  • Children will know and remember more leading them to be successful at performing the fundamental movement skills in different sporting contexts.
  • Children will be able to identify good sporting role models and understand how their values have lead to their success.
  • Children will lead a healthy lifestyle and understand the role that being physically active has on this.
  • All children will have been offered the opportunity to participate in competitive sport.
  • Children will demonstrate the hidden values of sport such as fairness and collaboration alongside the fundamental British Values and our school values of respect, friendship, responsibility, honesty, empathy and independence.

The School Games

We are delighted to announce that we, Redhill Primary Academy, have achieved the School Games Platinum Mark Award for the 2023/24 academic year.

The School Games Mark is a Government-led award scheme launched in 2012, facilitated by the Youth Sport Trust to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community, and we are delighted to have been recognised for our success.

As part of our application, we were asked to fulfil criteria in the areas of participation, competition, workforce and clubs, and we are pleased that the hard work of everyone at our school has been rewarded this year.

A special thanks to all of the staff team, Mr Griffiths, Mr Hodgkitts, Mrs Parker and Mr Baldwin, for supporting the development of all physical education over the year.

We look forward to applying once again in 2025!