
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) at Redhill


At Redhill, we aim to ensure that all children are well-prepared for the world they face in the future – giving them the confidence, knowledge and resources they need to be successful. As part of this, we believe it is important that we give children the knowledge and skills they need to understand, develop and maintain healthy relationships throughout their life. 


At the centre of our delivery of RSE in school, we aim to provide children with the following:

  • A planned, age appropriate scheme of work, which is integrated within the wider school curriculum and becomes part of the general ethos within school.
  • An open and safe environment where children feel safe to express themselves, ask questions, take part in discussion and develop a strong sense of self-worth – promoting positive emotional and mental wellbeing.
  • An understanding of the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of varied, positive relationships (friendships, family relationships, peers and other adults).
  • A secure understanding of what a healthy relationship is – taking turns, treating others with kindness, consideration and respect, importance of honesty, concept of personal space/privacy, communication.
  • The opportunity to encourage positive virtues – honesty, integrity, self-control, courage, humility, kindness, forgiveness, generosity and a sense of justice.
  • The skills necessary to keep themselves happy and safe, including online (addressing appropriate online behaviour).
  • The confidence to challenge media stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination and promote equal opportunities.
  • A curriculum which gives accurate and objective information and dispels some of the mixed messages children have received from a variety of resources – for example about family life, loving relationships and what is going to happen to their own bodies.
  • An understanding of the variations in rates of growth and development and to provide reassurance that change is part of life’s cycle.


RSE in our school is a fundamental part of the PSHE curriculum. We have chosen to use the Respect Yourself scheme to deliver the main content of our RSE. This scheme teaches children to understand and respect themselves and their bodies as part of a healthy lifestyle approach. The RSE topic covers three areas: Choices and Challenges, Changes and Care and Commitment. In Year 5 and 6, there is a greater emphasis on the changes that occur in puberty. Year 6 follow the Shropshire RSE transition Programme which aims to support their ongoing emotional and physical development effectively, whilst encouraging better cross phase collaboration between Key Stages 2 and 3. Through the delivery of this scheme, we aim to provide a safe and secure learning environment in which children feel safe to express themselves, ask questions and develop their self-esteem.