
Computing at Redhill


At Redhill Primary Academy, we value the importance of Computing in preparing children for thriving in an ever-developing world where technology is becoming ever more prevalent. Computing is much more than being able to use a computer – it is a subject that enables pupils to use technology to support them in overcoming challenges, creating media and showing an understanding of the technology which is around us. We aim to inspire our children to use technology positively, responsibly, and safely. During sessions, our children are encouraged to show the school values of respect, friendship, responsibility, honesty, empathy and independence. We want our pupils to be creators, not consumers, and our broad curriculum encompassing computer science, information technology and digital literacy reflects this. Our pupils develop an understanding that there is always a choice when using technology and as a school we utilize technology, including social media, to model positive use.


The teaching and implementation of the computing curriculum is based on the National Curriculum ensuring a well-structured approach to the subject which covers the three areas of Computing: digital literacy, information technology and computer science. The content we have selected has been carefully planned to ensure that children have ample opportunity to revisit existing knowledge and build new knowledge alongside this. Our knowledge-rich curriculum is balanced with the opportunity for pupils to apply their knowledge creatively which will in turn help our pupils become digitally literate and skillful computer scientists.

Computer Science

Through computer science, we explore different programming languages including block-based coding e.g. Scratch and text-based coding e.g. Logo. Our children get to experience using a range of technology including iPads, laptops, PCs, microbits and crumble controllers to ensure they are competent computer users ready to adapt to the ever-developing technological work. Through our curriculum, we offer opportunities for the children to explore computing through unplugged activities where they are encouraged to use logical reasoning to explain how algorithms work before inputting these into a computer. Our children develop an understanding of how to use sequence, selection and repetition in programs, exploring how different inputs can alter outputs depending on the code. At the heart of our computer science learning, are the key concepts of logic, abstract, decomposition, patterns, abstraction and evaluation, alongside the key approaches of tinkering, creating, debugging, persevering, and collaborating. By applying these concepts and approaches, our children can write programs that achieve specific goals such as programming a crumble controller to operate a ride or creating a musical instrument to play songs on Scratch.

Information Technology

To ensure that the children are confident at selecting and using technology to accomplish different goals, we offer a range of hardware for the children to explore including iPads, laptops and PCs. This enables our children to understand how one device might be better suited for a particular task. Through our curriculum, our children also experience a range of different software which has been carefully selected to ensure vertical links are made across year groups to ensure knowledge and skills are becoming progressively more challenging. In year 1, children will explore digital painting and how tools can be made to create simple images; in year 3 children explore when technology might help create art and when it might be easier to use a different method; and then in year 5 they produce challenging vector drawings building upon the knowledge they have developed further down the school. Through our curriculum, our children also explore how technology can support them with different tasks such as digital writing, making blogs, editing audio and creating animations. Throughout all of these applications, our children are encouraged to analyse, evaluate and present their data and information in interesting ways.

Digital literacy

To ensure that our children are responsible and confident computer users, at the beginning of each academic year, we share our age-specific acceptable use policies with the children during their first computing lesson. These policies are our online safety rules and children are quizzed on them regularly to ensure safe usage of school technology. Throughout the year, during our computing lessons, children are taught about health, wellbeing and lifestyle; managing online information; copyright and ownership; and privacy and security alongside the online safety content which is covered through our PHSCE offer: self-image and identity; online relationships; online reputation; and online bullying. In the EYFS, children are introduced to the concept of online safety through engaging resources such as Smartie the Penguin, Digiduck and Hector’s World. In KS1, children are taught at least ten discrete online safety lessons throughout each year. In KS2, this is increased to around eighteen lessons, reflecting the increased risks relating to online safety as children grow older. As well as the curriculum teaching time that is given to digital literacy, children have multiple opportunities throughout the school year to deepen their knowledge and understanding of online safety including E-safety week, assemblies, E-safety pupil group and workshops.

To view our subject overview for computing, please click here.


What do we expect by the end of Key Stage 2?

  • Children will understand the positive uses of technology and how it can benefit their lives.
  • Children will be digitally literate and able to use technology when appropriate.
  • Children will be able to use text-based and block-based coding to write simple algorithms to accomplish tasks.
  • Children will be able to use logical reasoning to understand code.
  • Children will be able to use information technology to create a range of digital content.
  • Children will know what acceptable and unacceptable behaviours looks like online.
  • Children will be able to evaluate what they see online.
  • Children will be able to recognise techniques used for persuasion.
  • Children will be able to identify online risks, knowing how and when to seek support.