
Science Achievements

At Redhill we are actively involved in the PSQM award (Primary Science Quality Mark award scheme) The PSQM is an award scheme used to enable primary schools across the UK to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their science provision. There are three awards given to schools. They are: The PSQM award, the PSQM Gilt award and the PSQM Outreach award. The main aims of being a part of this scheme is to raise the level of science in our school, whilst providing staff and students with a framework that allows for the sustainable development of both staff and student. We've also attended numerous events including: The Big Bang in Birmingham, the Great School Birdwatch and many more. We've attached a few of our favourites! 

We are incredibly proud to have once again achieved the Primary Science Quality Mark for Outreach valid from 2024-2027. To view our report, please click here.