Our intent is to give all children the opportunity to understand, perform and create music, developing a lifelong love of music. Children will develop their knowledge of the interrelated dimensions of music and develop their ability when performing, listening, improvising and composing music by considering the quality of the music they produce. Our intent is for pupils to perform the work of other; explore their own creativity though composing work and through wider listening and engagement come to a broader understanding of musical culture and meaning. The music curriculum reflects the diversity that we value as children listen to music from around the world, from different periods of history and appreciate the music of all traditions. Through the diversity of our music curriculum, the children will embed our Redhill Values of respect, friendship, responsibility, empathy, honesty and independence.
The music curriculum is carefully sequenced to enable content to be mastered in the time available. Children will:
Our progression of the elements of music is carefully sequenced. There are plentiful opportunities for pupils to return to and consolidate their short-term learning, with repetition of key curricular content and the gradual introduction of new ideas, methods and concepts. Expectations are realistic to ensure that knowledge is stored and secure.
Music is taught in weekly sessions for 30 minutes or half-termly in one hour weekly sessions. Lessons include a range of teaching strategies including teacher modelling, whole class music making, group work, paired and independent tasks. Teachers are supported by coaching and CPD led by the subject lead.
Music lessons are supported by fortnightly music assemblies, whole class instrumental tuition for Years 4 and 5 and recorder lessons in Year 3. Whole class instrumental tuition is for a 10-week block with the opportunity to continue lessons with the music service teachers. Free tuition is available for children in receipt of free school meals.
By the end of Key Stage 2 children will: