Redhill Nursery is part of Redhill Primary Academy and opened in September 2015 (previously a private pre-school). In 2023 we were fortunate to open our new purpose-built nursery located in the school grounds to the left of the main school building. At Redhill Nursery we provide a nurturing, caring and safe environment in which children can happily develop and learn to play and work together. The environment has been carefully designed for individual exploration and discovery across all areas of learning. We support our children in acquiring skills and attitudes, through routines and expectations, which enable them to enjoy their early years and then make a seamless transition into school. The Nursery is registered for 50 places at any one given time. We cater from rising threes’ to four years of age, fee paying and funded places are available. We offer flexible sessions including wrap around breakfast and after school clubs during school time only . We have fee paying, 15 and 30 hour funded places and we work in partnership with other local pre-school providers i.e. day-care, childminders and nurseries
We offer an attractive learning environment consisting of a large purpose built Nursery with designated areas for resources and the continuous provision both inside and outside, enabling children to access all areas of learning and development within the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, toilets, nappy changing room an office, meeting room, cloakroom and kitchen. Our outside environment is attractive and provides many different areas in which to learn through play:. All areas are secure.
We have the expertise of Redhill Primary Academy’s Early Years and Reception Team Manager who is an Early Years specialist and is also the Nursery Manager. All staff work together to plan our Pre-School Curriculum through the Foundation Stage and Early Learning Goals in an exciting and motivating learning environment. The experienced Foundation Stage Co-ordinator supports the team too which aids transition into school. We have an experienced team consisting of Nursery lead, Nursery Assistant lead and two Nursery Assistants who are key workers and a part-time administrator. All the Nursery team attend whole school training and events. As a Nursery we work closely with the Reception classes, organising theme days and story times as well as using the school facilities as often as possible. PE in the hall, joining Reception and KS1 assemblies and enjoying the hot school dinner!
At Redhill Nursery we have nurturing and dedicated adults working in an enabling environment, engaging, and challenging children’s thinking with quality interactions
We aim to ensure children have the opportunities to learn through play within an environment designed for individual exploration and discovery across all areas of learning and development.
Children’s communication and language skills are paramount as we believe that as children develop speaking and listening skills, they’re building the foundations for literacy and learning. These skills are the building blocks for all other areas of learning and development. Language development is best supported in a playful language environment full of stories, songs, rhymes, signs, talk and imaginative play. Children will explore different sounds, symbols and words in their everyday world and through their play.
Effective learning within Redhill nursery is a mix of different approaches: children learn through play (play-based curriculum), by adults modelling, scaffolding and through guided learning and direct teaching. Children in the early years learn through whole class and group work, where practitioners teach new knowledge and guide their learning. The children then have the opportunities to apply this during child initiated through our carefully planned continuous provision.
The Nursery opens at 9:00 am and closes at 3:00 pm, Monday to Friday each week in term time. It is open during term time except for except for Statutory (Bank) Holidays. Exact dates are published in the school calendar each year. We close for 5 staff training days over the school year
We also offer breakfast and afterschool club – Monday to Friday.
Beakfast Club (8:00 – 9.00 am) – Offering a wide range variety of healthy choices and fun activities for the children to participate in.
Afterschool Club ( 3.00 – 6.00 pm) – Children can continue to explore and play within nursery and enjoy a healthy high tea.
Nursery bookings are term time only for rising 3’s and 4 year olds. We offer 38 weeks a year. Once an ‘Expression of interest form’ is completed your child‘s name will be put on a waiting list and you will be contacted in the term prior to start date and offered available sessions, with an induction programme to help your child settle more easily. The Manager and Administrator endeavour to accommodate as many of the requested sessions per child, as possible, but there is no guarantee we can support every parents’ ideal sessions. (See Admissions policy) Our close partnership with other pre-school providers is often a solution to this problem.Expression of interest form.
Children who are staying for lunch can bring in a packed lunch. Alternatively, a hot school lunch is available at a cost of £2.45. This is to be paid via your child’s Parent Pay account and can be ordered on the day when dropping your child/ children off.
Please make the school office aware of any absences due to holidays or illness.
We encourage the children to choose a book each week and share it with family members. the children will have the opportunity to change their book weekly.
We produce parent updates via email. The Mail on Friday is emailed weekly to parents which provides information on upcoming events and weekly news updates.
In addition to this, we send regular emails with information to parents when needed.
01952 327170
Please ask a member of staff for more details and costings.